Organic Peppermint Leaf :
Place of Origin: Egypt -Organic
Leaf cut
Herbal actions:
- Carmative-Substance that relieves flatulence and soothes intestinal spasm and pain usually relaxing the intestinal muscle and sphincters.
- Anti-spasmodic -Substance that reduces or relieves smooth muscle spasm
- Aromatic digestive – Substance that is generally pleasant tasting ,smelling or both that assists digestion.
- Diaphoretic – Substance that promotes ,sweating and thereby control fever
- Anti emetic -Substance that reduces nausea and vomiting
- Nervine – Substance that improves the tone ,vigor, function of the nervous system
- Analgesic -Substance that relieves pain
- Anti catarrhal-Substance that reduces the formation of catarrh and phlegm
- Anti microbial – Substance that inhibits the growth of or destroys microorganisms
- Emmenagogue – Substance that initiates and promotes the menstrual flow
- Rubefacient – Substance that produces a superficial inflammation of the skin so as to relieve a deeper inflammation (muscles ,joints and ligaments )
- Stimulant – Substance that heightens the function of an organ or system.
Herbal indications:
- Non ulcer dyspepsia
- Chronic digestive problems , bloating ,flatulence
- Spastic complaints of the gastrointestinal tract of the gallbladder and bile ducts
- Gastritis ,enteritis
- Respiratory tract catarrh ,cough and the common cold.
- Nausea , vomiting , morning sickness
- Nervous conditions ,dysmenorrhea
- Topical treatment of headaches
Peppermint would have to be carmative agents available .It has a relaxing effect on the visceral muscles, antiflatulent properties and stimulates bile and digestive juice secretion and therefor can relieve intestinal colic ,flatulent dyspepsia and other associated conditions. The volatile oil acts as a mild anesthetic to the stomach wall,which assists to relieve the vomiting of pregnancy and travel sickness and is a fantastic way to remove ticks from your skin and with your pets.
Peppermint plays a role in the treatment of ulcerative colitis and Crohns disease. It is the most valuable treatment of fevers and especially colds and flu. As an inhalant it can be used as temporary treatment in nasal catarrh for this peppermint essential oil can be used in your diffuser or candle diffuser.
Where migraines and headaches are associated with digestion which is stagnate this herb may be used. As a nervine it eases anxiety and tension .When painful menstruation associated with
dysmenorrhea it may help to reduce the symptoms and ease the pain and tension. Externally it relieves itching and inflammation with mosquitoes bites.
Want to use Doterra Peppermint in an essential oil please click on link to purchase.
Please note .
Peppermint maybe considered a banned substance by most equine sporting competition associations due to herbal actions which are considered as a painkiller with analgesic properties.
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