Yarrow (Achillea millfolium) herb
50 ml Tincture 1.2 Liquid extract
Ethanol 45%
Herbal Actions:
- Diaphoretic- Substance that promotes sweating and thereby controls fever.
- Antipyretic- Substance that reduces or prevents fever.
- Peripheral vasodilator – Substance that dilates or widens the peripheral blood vessels and thereby improves circulation to peripheral tissues and may assist in reduction of blood pressure.
- Anti-inflammatory- Substance that reduces inflammation.
- Spasmolytic- Substance that reduces or relieves smooth muscle spasm.
- Bitter tonic – Substance that is bitter tasting and stimulates the upper gastrointestinal tract via the bitter -sensitive taste buds of the mouth.
- Styptic – Substance that stops bleeding when topically applied.
- Antimicrobial- Substance that inhibits the growth of or destroys microorganisms.
- Antihemorrhagic-Substance that reduces or stops bleeding when taken internally.
- Vulnerary – Substance that promotes healing of wounds when applied locally.
Loss of appetite, dyspepsia, gastrointestinal spasm.
Amenorrhea, menorrhagia
Other conditions involving bleeding such as hemorrhoids, melena and hemoptysis.
Fevers and conditions in which fever is present, such as common cold.
Conditions of disordered circulation (thrombosis, hypertension, hemorrhoids)
Diarrhea, dysentery
Topical treatment for slow healing wound and skin conditions.
Known allergy.
Warning and Precautions:
Sesquiterpenes are responsible for the allergic contact dermatitis caused by Yarrow. People with known sensitivity to other members of the Compositae family e.g (ragweed, daisies, chrysanthemum) should avoid Yarrow.
None known.
Use in pregnancy and lactation:
No adverse effects expected. However, thujone -containing varieties should be avoided.
Side effects:
None expected if taken within recommended in dose range.
2 to 6 ml of 1:2 liquid extract daily
Recommended dose 15 to 40 ml liquid extract per week.
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