Licorice (glycyrrhiza glabra) root
50 ml Tincture 1:1 liquid extract
Ethanol 20%
Herbal Actions:
- Anti inflammatory – Substance that reduces inflammation
- Mucoprotective – Substance that protects the mucous membranes especially in the context of the gastric lining
- Demulcent – Substance that has a soothing effect on mucous membranes (within the respiratory ,digestive and urinary tracts)
- Anti ulcer (peptic)- Substance that prevents or relives ulceration (usually in gastrointestinal tract)
- Adrenal tonic – Substance that improves the tone, histology and function of the adrenal glands
- Expectorant- Substance that improves the clearing of excess mucus from the lungs by either altering the viscosity of muscus or improving teh cough reflux
- Antiussive – Substance that reduces the amount or severity of coughing
- Mild laxative – Substance that facilitates evacuation of the bowel
- Anticariogenic – Substance reduces the incidence of dental tooth decay
Indications/ Prescribing :
Gastric and duodenal ulceration
Gastrointestinal reflux
Polycystic ovary syndrome ,infertility
Muscle cramps , Dysmenorrhea
Adrenal insufficiency and withdrawal from corticosteriods drugs
Inflammatory conditions ,rheumatoid arthritis ,urinary tract inflammation
Upper respiratory tract catarrh
Cough ,bronchitis
Addison’s disease
Topical treatment for eczema ,melasma (increased melanin pigmentation)
Topical treatment for recurrent mouth ulcers and herpes lesions.
Painful spasms in abdomen and legs
Palpitations and arrhythmia
TCM- deficiency of the spleen and stomach marked by fatigue and weakness
Listed by the Commision E include cholestatic liver disorders ,liver cirrhosis, hypertension ,hypokalemia ,severe kidney insufficiency and pregnancy .
Licorice is also contraindicated if edema or congestive heart failure is present .
Warning and Precautions :
Patients who are prescribed high doses for prolonged periods should be placed on a high potassium ,low sodium diet and closely monitored for blood pressure increases and weight gain.
Special precautions should be taken with elderly patients and patients with hypertension or cardiac ,renal or hepatic disease.
These individuals should not receive licorice preparations high in for long periods .
Slight chance exists that LR may counteract the contraceptive pill.
Potassium loss may e severe if licorice is taken in conjunction with potassium -depleting drugs (thiazide, diuretics, laxative) leading too undesirable side effects .With potassium loss,sensitivity to cardioactive glycoside increases with potential toxic effects .
The intake of licorice may exaggerate the effects of high salt diet.
Oral administration of LR increases plasma prednisolone concentrations by inhibiting its metabolism .Licorice may thereby potentiate the pharmacologic effects of prednisolone and other corticosteriods drugs.
Use in Pregnancy and Lactation:
The Commision E advise that Licorice is contraindicated in pregnancy hower doses up to 3g per day (i.e) up to 3 ml of 1:1 liquid extract or 3 ml of 1:1 LR liquid extract are likely to be safe.
Side Effects:
Has been known to cause hypertension ,sodium and water retention and hypokalemia through the mineralocorticoid effects.
Excessive consumption of licorice confectionery has been associated with congestive heart failure ,pulmonary edema ,myopathy ,pseudoaldosteronism ,hypokalemic rhabdomyolysis
2-6 ml of 1:1 Liquid extract daily
15 to 40 ML of 1:1 liquid extract weekly
Higher doses of licorice should be not consumed long term.The Commission E advises LR should not be taken for longer than 6 to 8 weeks without professional supervision .
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