Greater Celandine
(chelidonium majus)
50 Ml Tincture 1:2 liquid extract
Ethanol 45%
Herbal actions:
- Choleretic – Substance that the production of bile by the liver
- Cholagogue- Substance that increases the release of stored bile from the gallbladder
- Spasmolytic –Substance that reduces or relives smooth muscle spasm (involuntary contractions)
- Mild laxative – Substance that facilitates evacuation of the bowel
- Anti inflammatory – Substance that reduces inflammation
- Anti viral (topically) Substance that inhibits the growth or destroys viruses
- Vulnerary ( topically)Substance that promotes the healing of wounds when applied topically
Indications and prescribing :
Biliary dyskinesia
Increasing bile flow and pancreatic secretion
Cholangitis ,gallstones, cholecystitis , without stones
Cramping pain of the gastrointestinal tract and gall ducts
Liver disease ,jaundice , bilious dyspepsia , bilious headaches , migraine supraorbital neuralgia, skin conditions ,especially psoriasis
Chronic bronchitis, whooping cough
Topical treatment for warts, indolent ulcers ,fungal growths ,hemorrhoids
Gastrointestinal conditions resulting from poor liver function.
None known
Warnings and Precautions:
Hepatotoxicity, various adverse reactions may occur such as dry mouth ,dizziness ,gastric discomfort ,diarrhea ,abdominal distension ,nausea
None known
Use in pregnancy and lactation :
No adverse effects expected
Side effects:
see warning and precautions
Dosage :
1-ml of 1:2 liquid extract per day
7-15 ml of 1:2 liquid extract per week
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