Echinacea (echinacea purpurea) root
50 ml Tincture /1;2 liquid extract
60 % ethanol
Herbal actions:
Immune modulating ; Substance that modulates and balances the activity of the immune system.
Immune enhancing: Substance that enhances immune function.
Depurative: Substance that improves detoxification and aids elimination to reduce the accumulation of metabolic wastes products within the body.
Anti inflammatory: Substance that reduces inflammation.
Vulnerary: Substance that promotes healing of wounds when applied locally.
lymphatic: Substance thats assists in detoxification by its effects on lymphatic tissue and improves immune function
Sialagogue: Substance that increases secretion of the salivary glands.
Indications/ Prescribing
Treating and preventing upper respiratory tract infections
Treating and preventing infections in general
Enhancing immune response in healthy individuals
Nasopharyngeal catarrh ,respiratory catarrh , chronic bronchitis
Adjuvant therapy for cancer
Abscess ,boils, poorly healing wounds ,furunculosis ,eczema , psoriasis, mouth ulcers ,venomous bites skin and glandular inflammation
No conclusive evidence has been fund that using Echinacea for long periods is detrimental or that is contraindicated in disorders such as autoimmune disease , allergies and asthma.
Warning and Precautions:
Caution is advised for transplant patients taking immunosuppressive drugs ,short term therapy only is suggested.Allergic reactions mainly dermatitis may ocurrr rarely ceptible patients sensitized to Echinacea aerial parts and plants from the Compositae family.
See the Warnings and Precautions section
Use in Pregnancy and Lactation
No Adverse effects expected
Side effects:
are generally not expected for oral or topical administration.
3-6 ml of 1:2 liquid extract daily
20 to 40 ml of 1:2 liquid extract weekly
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