Burdock (Artctium lappa) Root
50 ml Tincture 1;2 liquid extract
Ethanol 23%
Herbal Actions:
- Depurative – Substance that improves detoxification and aids elimination to reduce accumulation of metabolic waste products within the body. (These substances were formally known as alternatives or blood purifiers and was widely used to treat chronic skin and musculoskeletal disorders).
- Mild diuretic- Substance that increases urinary output.
- Mild laxative- Substance that facilitates evacuation of the bowel.
Skin disorders, particularly eczema, psoriasis, and other skin disorders, boils, styes.
Skin eruptions particularly when weak circulation and impaired nutrition.
Disorders requiring increased elimination from the body, such as gout, and rheumatism.
Anorexia nervosa, dyspepsia
Venereal and leprous disorders.
None known.
Warning and Precautions:
None required.
Use in pregnancy and lactation:
No adverse effects expected.
Side effects:
None expected if taken within recommended dose range.
1.5 to 3 .5ml of 1:2 liquid extract daily
Recommended dose 10 to 25 ml liquid extract per week.
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