Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus )
50 ml Tincture / 1:2 liquid extract
Ethanol 23%
Herbal actions:
- Immune enhancing : Substance that enhances immune function
- Tonic: Substance that improves tones ,vigor, and function of the whole body
- Adaptogenic :Substance that increases the body’s resistance to physical ,environmental and emotional biologic stressors and promotes normal physical function
- Cardiotonic : Substance that improves the force of contraction of the heart
- Diuretic: Substance that increases urinary output
- Hypotensive: Substance that reduces blood pressure
- Antioxidant: Substance that protects against oxidation and free radical damage
Indications/prescribing :
Tonifies the blood and spleen
Impaired immunity ,prophylaxis of the common cold ,chronic viral infections.
General debility ,excessive sweating ,decreased appetite ,chronic diarrhea
Ischemic heart disease ,angina, pectoris
Postpartum fever and recovery from severe blood loss ,uterine bleeding ,organ prolapse
Topical adjuvant therapy for chronic viral cervicitis
Not advisable in acute infections
Warning and Precautions :
None required
Use in pregnancy and lactation :
No adverse effected expected
Side effects:
None expected if taken within the recommended dose range.
4.5 -8.5 of 1: 2 liquid extract daily
30 to 60 ml of 1: 2 liquid extract weekly
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