Product Details
Place of Origin: China – Wildcraft
Botanical Name
Herbal Actions:
- Depurative – Substance that improves detoxification and aids elimination to reduce accumulation of metabolic waste products within the body.
- Mild diuretic– Substance which increases urinary output.
- Mild laxative – Substance that facilitates evacuation of the bowel
- Alternative– Substance that a soothing effect on mucus membranes
- Antibiotic – Substance of high viscosity helps to provide a protective barrier to prevent infection. Its immunomodulatory property is relevant to wound repair too.
- Diaphoretic – Substance that promotes sweating and thereby controls fever
- Demulcent -Substance that has a soothing effect on mucus membranes
- Astringent – Substance that causes constriction of mucous membranes and exposed tissues.
- Bitter tonic – Substance that is bitter tasting and stimulates the upper gastrointestinal tract via the bitter -sensitive taste buds of the mouth.
- Digestive stimulant – Substance that stimulates the function of gastrointestinal organs involved with digestion
- Antimicrobial – Substance that inhibits the growth of or destroys microorganisms
- Hypoglycemic – Substance that reduces level of glucose in the blood.
- Anti tumor – Substance that has activity against a malignant tumor.
Health benefits:
Excellent blood cleanser
Used in chronic skin disorders,particularly eczema, psoriasis,boils,sores
Disorders requiring increased elimination from the body ,such as gout and rheumatism removes toxins via the kidneys
Burdock is the most valuable remedy for treatment of skin conditions,which result in dry & scaly skin.
The most effective for psoriasis if used over along period of time.
Similarly all types of eczema may be treated effectively if burdock is used over a period of time.
Burdock is used in treatment for rheumatic complaints ,especially where they are associated with psoriasis.
Part of the action of this herb is through the bitter stimulation of the digestive juices and appetite.
Burdock has been know to aid in kidney function and heal cystitis .
In general burdock will allow the body to a state of health ,removing indicators of systemic imbalance as skin problems and dandruff.
Neutralize and absorbs toxins from the gut and enhances their elimination from the bowel
Equine uses :
One of the active constituents in Burdock is believe to have an antibiotic effect and it also has anti-bacterial and anti fungal properties. It is hypoglycemic in nature, so beneficial for horses with laminitis and other metabolic issues. Burdock root soothes and supports gut health with its notable levels of non starch polysaccharides – insulin, glucoside-lappin and mucilage.
Burdock Root contains small amounts of many vitamins including:
- folic acid
- riboflavin
- niacin
- vitamin E
- vitamin C
Minerals found in Burdock Root include:
- iron
- manganese
- magnesium
- zinc
- calcium
- selenium
- phosphorus
Having a flavour similar to parsnips, it is generally very palatable to horses and has a gummy, chewy consistency. The range of benefits of Burdock Root make is especially useful for older horses.
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