Product Details
Place of Origin: Poland – Trade
Botanical Name
Beetroot Powder is a superfood rich in the following
antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, & dietary fiber. Beetroot is a good source of soluble fiber that may provide special health benefits particularly with respect to health of the digestive tract and cardiovascular system helping to lower LDL cholesterol, a natural source of nitrates which may assist blood pressure, plus a very good source of manganese, potassium, and copper.
Beetroot contains the red pigment betanin a potent antioxidant which supports liver detoxification shown to provide antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and detoxification support.
The naturally occurring pigments in beetroot have been shown to support activity in our body’s Phase 2 detoxification process. Phase 2 is the metabolic step that our cells use to hook up active unwanted toxic substances with small nutrient groups. This “hook up” process effectively neutralizes the toxins and makes them sufficiently water-soluble for excretion in the urine.
Traditionally beetroot was regarded as an effective treatment for disorders of the blood and supporting blood purification, immune system and for supporting liver detoxification, liver and gallbladder complaints, assisting with the digestion of fats, supporting bowel regularity, healthy cholesterol levels, and anemia.
Equine use :
Boosts Energy Levels: Beets contain a significant amount of carbohydrates that provides fuel for energy and prolonged sports activities. These are the natural building blocks of energy metabolism and beets provide them without any of the negative side effects of many other carbohydrate-heavy foods. When the body has a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, it is able to fuel all of the necessary bodily functions as well, including the important metabolic reactions that keep your organ systems functioning efficiently.
In a related function, researchers have noticed that oxygen uptake is greatly increased due to the high nitrate content. This increases stamina for exercising and participating in sports.
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