Exercise and Cramps?
For those who suffer cramps, take note: You don’t have to put up with them. Simply make sure you get a plentiful supply of magnesium chloride every day (and sufficient water hydration) and cramps will stay away in most cases.
Yes, you can alleviate a cramp (even period cramp) simply by massaging Elektra Magnesium Cream into the tightened muscle. But why wait until the problem occurs? A cramp is an indication that your magnesium status has dropped too low.
When magnesium gets low you can easily get dehydrated. If you do sport and perspire a lot then not only are you using up large amounts of magnesium, but water loss would also be high. When both water and magnesium drop in the cell, tissue starts to squeeze and crumple like a prune. It hurts. This is because the cell wall has become looser and allowed in too much calcium which contracts tissue cells. When magnesium is present in high enough amounts it can control the calcium channels and keep muscles behaving the right way!
Magnesium helps us stay flexible, stretchy, ‘juicy’ and more youthful. It helps us recover from stress and bounce back better from exercise.
Drink filtered water with added food grade Elektra Magnesium Chloride flakes (small pinch per litre) for better hydration. Apply Elektra Magnesium Cream and Oil Spritz to muscles before exertion and exercise to buffer your magnesium stores. Have a good stretch as well to ‘prime the pump’! With optimal magnesium levels your performance and recovery can be at at its best.
Afterwards, relax and unwind any muscle tightness with a magnesium soak. Aaaahhh, delightful. Magnesium bathing or foot soaking promote a sound sleep too. This is essential for good recovery because during deep sleep your body has the best chance to clean out the rubbish and build new cells.
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