Dong quai, or Angelica sinensis, is a member of the Umbelliferae family, a botanical group that also includes carrots, parsley, dill and celery. It features delicate, clustered heads of small, fragrant flowers that bloom from May until August, and stringy, brownish roots with a bittersweet taste.
In traditional Chinese medicine, only ginseng is more esteemed. The name dong quai means proper order and for thousands of years the dried roots have been used to restore a healthy order to the body. Since ancient times, dang-quai has been an important herb for women. The phytoestrogens in dong quai work to bring the body’s natural estrogen into balance.
Historically, it has been prescribed for uterine bleeding, painful menses, and other abnormalities of the menstrual cycle. For menopausal women it addresses symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats and mood swings.
A decoction of the whole root is considered diuretic and strongly antibacterial. Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antispasmodic activity have been confirmed in experiments. Considered the most important Chinese herb for menstrual disorders, its blood tonic, circulation-enhancing, pain-relieving, tranquilizing, and liver-protecting qualities are sometimes overlooked. Dong quai contains many nutrients, from metals like cobalt, copper and manganese, to plant sterols, which have similar chemical structures to human hormones like estrogen. Among the active medicinal ingredients are coumarins, essential oils, and various flavonoids. Dong quai strengthens the immune system by increasing production of white blood cells, assisting the liver in ridding the body of toxins. This immune enhancement may come into play in cancer prevention and as an adjunct to debilitating effects of treatment.
Herbal Actions:
- Emmenagogue – Substance that initiates and promotes menstrual flow.
- Antiviral –Substance that inhibits the growth of or destroys bacteria.
- Antibacterial – Substance that inhibits the growth of bacteria or destroys bacteria.
- Antispasmodic – Substance that reduces or relieves smooth muscle spasm.
- Circulatory stimulant – Substance that improves blood flow through body tissues (warming herb as they support vitality in the body tissues)
- Digestive stimulant –Substance that stimulates the function of the gastrointestinal organs with digestion.
- Hypotensive –Substance that reduces blood pressure.
- Alternative- Substance that improves detoxification and aids elimination to reduce the accumulation of metabolic wastes products in the body.
- Anti-inflammatory – Substance that reduces inflammation.
- Diuretic – Substance that increases urinary output.
- Immunostimulant –Substance that enhances immune function.
- Uterine tonic – Substance that increases the tone of the uterine muscle.
- Anti anemic –Substance which corrects or prevents anemia.
- Anti platelet – Substance that reduces platelet aggregation.
High in vitamin E, iron calcium, sodium, zinc, magnesium ,potassium ,selenium ,vitamin A ,C B3,B12 and B complex
Health benefits;
- One of the best female tonics herbs.
- Balances and regulates hormones.
- Strengthens and stimulates the uterus.
- Women’s tonic for menstrual irregularities, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, PMS and heavy periods associated with fibroids.
- Eases menopausal symptoms such as vaginal dryness, hot flushes and emotional imbalance.
- Stabilizes estrogen /progesterone production.
- Relaxant for central nervous system
- Warming digestive stimulant and regulator
- Enhances blood circulation, improves coronary functions, decreases blood pressure.
- Nourishes the blood.
- Helps dissolve blood clots.
- Regulates and stabilizes minor heart irregularities.
- Relaxes heart muscle.
- Constipation, abdominal bruising.
Caution -Avoid during pregnancy, if you have diabetes , taking anticoagulants .
TCM properties and uses
- Strengthen the heart, lung and liver meridians, lubricating bowel, invigorating and harmonizing the blood. Treating congealed blood conditions.
- Menstrual issues resulting from blood stasis, anemia.
Dong Quai Side Effects: Not for use while pregnant or if you have an acute viral infection. May stimulate bleeding. If taken over long period of time, it is suggested discontinuing use during the monthly menstrual cycle.
Naturopath, Herbalist, Iridologist, Equine Herbalist, Naturopath and Iridologist.
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