Dismutase enzymes (SOD) is a powerful enzyme, (antioxidant ) which is a biologically active enzyme complex which is present in majority of human cells and is capable of converting tissue – damaging oxygen free radicals (highly reactive cellular toxins) into harmful chemical substances that can be excreted from body through elimination channels.
Dismutase enzymes will stimulate and support the immune system ,neutralise toxins and minimise the effects of tissue degeneration in wasting diseases and oxygen transplantation by protecting oxygen levels in the body cells this will help assist with circulation disorders.
There are actually three types of SOD, each making use of certain nutritional minerals combined with protein, to neutralize oxygen free radicals. Oxygen free radicals are being constantly produced by our mitochondria in the process of converting the food we eat into energy we can use, and also when needed by our white blood cells to defend us against invading infectious organisms.
Dismutase enzymes may be helpful in chronic cases such as MS, diabetes, arthritis
foods high in Dismutase enzymes
Barley grass – are also good sources of the minerals (zinc, copper, and manganese)
Brussels sprouts
wheat grass
honeydew melon
pumpkin seeds
References :Bartram’s encyclopedia of herbal medicine by Thomas Bartram
Cullullard natural products
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