Andrographis paniculata is an herb native to the Indian subcontinent and is used in Ayurveda, the ancient (before 2500 b.c.) Indian system of health care and longevity. Both the fresh and dried andrographis leaves, as well as the fresh juice of the whole Andrographis plant, have been widely used in traditional remedies and folkloric medicines.
Herbal Actions:
Bitter tonic – Substance that is bitter tasting and stimulates the upper gastrointestinal tract via the bitter -sensitive taste buds of the mouth of the mouth, by direct interaction with gastrointestinal tissue, or both.
Choleretic- Substance that increases the production of bile by the liver.
Immune enhancing- Substance that enhances the immune system.
Hepatoprotective- Substance that protects the heptaocytes (liver cells) against toxic damage.
Antipyretic- Substances that reduces or prevents fever.
Antiflammatory- Substance that reduces inflammation.
Antiplatelet- Substance that reduces platelet aggregation (hence prolongs bleeding time and may prevent thrombus formation.
Antioxidant- Substance that protects against oxidation and free radical damage.
Anthelmintic- Substance that kills or assists in the expulsion of intestinal worms.
Potential indications:
Bacterial and viral respiratory tract infection (including common colds) and reducing fevers.Preventing common colds and pharyngotonsillitisPreventing urinary tract infectionsEnteric infectionsInfective hepatitisLoss of appetite, dyspepsia, flatulence, diarrhea, dysentery, gastroenteritis, bowel complaints in children.Infestation of intestinal worms.Bitter and cold used to clear from heat from the blood and detoxify fire passion poison. Influenza with fever, acute or chronic cough, sore throat and mouth ulcers ,Colitis .
Carbuncles, sores and snake bites.
Contraindications:Possibly in pregnancy
Warnings and Precautions: One required.
Interactions: None known.
Use in Pregnancy: The antifertility effect suggests should not be used during human pregnancy, especially in the first trimester.
Side effects: High doses may cause gastric discomfort, anorexia. And emesis (vomiting)
Naturopath, Equine herbalist, Iridologist.
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