Expectorant,anti-spasmodic,bitter digestive ,vulnerary,diaphoretic,pectoral ,stimulant.
White horehound is valuable plant and is not often used to its full potential.
Cullulla Rd grow our own white horehound and is utilized mainly in equine herbal mixes.
Very sturdy herb and when in bloom has smells amazing.
White horehound is the common name of marrubium vulgare a small flowering perennial plant that looks a great deal like mint , and is a part of the same family. It also boasts many of the same health benefits as other members of the family, making it an important plant in a number of traditional medicinal practices. The plant is relatively small, not growing higher that 18 inches, with small leaves covered in small hairs. The flowers of this plant are white and can also be used, along with the leaves, in the extraction of essential oils This plant has both medicinal and culinary uses, although they are closely connected. For example, it can be used to make throat lozenges or candies, which are used to soothe sore throats. Horehound beer and tea. have also been popularized in some parts of the world.
Some of the most impressive health benefits of white horehound include its ability to protect the immune system, treat diabetes boost heart health, soothe inflammation, eliminate indigestion and gastrointestinal distress, detoxifies the body, and eliminates spasms.
It combines the action of relaxing the smooth muscles of the bronchus whilst promoting mucus production and thus expectoration . It is used with benefits in the treatment of whooping cough,asthma and other respiratory illness.
The bitter action stimulates the flow and secretion of bile from the gallbladder and thus aids digestion.
White horehound can be used externally to promote healing of wounds.
Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers should not consume horehound, as the powerful blend of chemicals and compounds could be potentially dangerous for infants.
Equine benefits:
Usages: For coughs and respiratory conditions. An effective digestive stimulant and a tonic that is particularly good for inflammation of the liver and jaundice.
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