What are tissue salts
Calc Fluor (Elasticity) Calcium fluoride
Calc Fluor is present in the surface of the bones, in the enamel of the teeth and in the elastic fibres of the skin and blood vessels. It is responsible for all the elasticity within the body – deficiencies can lead to varicose veins, over relaxed organs, hardened glands, stretched ligaments.
NB Calc Fluor – Calcium Fluoride should not be confused with Sodium Fluoride which is used for fluoridating water supplies.
Assists with:
Enlarged varicose veins
Stretch marks
Poor condition of enamel of the teeth
Cracks and cuts in the skin
Constipation due to muscular tone of the rectum
A backache with dragging down pains
Chronic synovitis
Restoring balance to conditions affecting surface of bones
Calc Phos (Bone health) Calcium Phosphate
Calc Phos is the most abundant tissue salt in the body. It is found in the bones, teeth, and connective tissue, blood corpuscles and gastric juices. Calc Phos unites with albumin giving solidity to the bones and building the teeth. Bone is 57% Calcium Phosphate. It is the main constituent of all cells of the body fluids and restores tone to weakened tissues and organs. It assists with the digestion and absorption of food and is vitally important for the building of good bones and body structure. One needs this tissue salt to make a robust constitution and it is thus lacking in a weak constitution. It will speed up convalescence and replenish the body’s reserves. Calc Phos also plays a part in blood coagulation and can assist with excessive bleeding – nose bleeds.
Assists with:
Bone problems
Blood disorders eg. Anaemia
Poor concentration, low mood and works well in conjunction with Kali Phos
Poor digestion & nutrition
Growing pains
Irregular heartbeat
Ferr Phos (First aid ) Ferrum Phosphate
Ferr Phos is known as the First aid remedy. It is found especially in red blood cells. It is regarded as the oxygen carrier. The more oxygen the cells receive, the more nutrients they can burn and the more energy they can release. Iron Phosphate – Ferr Phos plays a role in the creation of energy in the cells. It gives strength and toughness to the circular walls of blood vessels, especially the arteries. We must always remember that freely circulating oxygen rich blood is essential to health and life.
Assists with:
Inflammation anywhere with redness, pain or fever
Cold hands and feet
Tickling cough
Mild sore throat
All recent physical injuries
Strained ligaments and tendons
Digestive upsets
Painful, dry throat
Kali Mur (Glandular tonic) Potassium Chloride
Kali Mur is the remedy for sluggish conditions and regulates the balance of fluids in the body and sees the proper functioning of nerves and muscles. This tissue salt influences the metabolism of sugar and protein and is very important in maintaining balanced intestinal activity. Ulcerated sore throat, tonsillitis, catarrhal infection of the middle ear call for this tissue salt in alternation with Ferr Phos. Soft glandular swellings call for this remedy and also chronic rheumatic swellings. Its action is complimentary to that of Calc Sulph as both remedies are concerned with cleansing and purifying the blood. Kali Mur is concerned with the production of saliva and is therefore important in the early stages of digestion.
Kali Phos (Nerve nutrient) Potassium phosphate
Kali Phos is found in the tissues and fluids of the body notably of the brain and nerve cells and is the principal tissue salt for the nervous system. Kali Phos is vital for regeneration of nerve tissue and forms “Grey matter”.
Kali Phos is indicated for the treatment of nervous headaches, nervous dyspepsia, sleeplessness, weariness, lowered vitality, low mood and other similar conditions. Kali Phos is indicated in the treatment of shingles, to correct underlying nervous conditions. It is also helpful for the relief of nervous asthma in conjunction with Mag Phos.
Assists with:
Nervous anxiety, diarrhoea from emotional upsets
Nervous exhaustion and inability to concentrate during exams
Nervous headache
Poor concentration
Loss of appetite
Insomnia — too tired to sleep & nightmares
Mental alertness
Kali Sulph (Skin balance ) Potassium Sulphate
Kali Sulph is found in the cells lining the skin. It supports the formation of skin cells, hair, and nails which is very important for recovery from skin ailments/imbalances. The discharges are often yellow, slimy or sticky.
A deficiency of Kali Sulph causes a lack of oxygen leading to chilliness, flashes of heat, pains in limbs which move from place to place. It is of great value in the treatment of Psoriasis and Athlete’s Foot. Brittle nails and poor condition of skin call for the combination of Kali Sulph and Silica
Assists with:
Skin disorders
Slow healing wounds
Weeping/flaking skin
Brittle nails
Second stage of cold
Mag Phos ( Muscle relaxant) Magnesium Phosphate
Mag Phos is the anti-spasmodic, tissue salt. It is the remedy which relieves cramps and aches and supplements the action of Kali Phos. Mag Phos is quick to relieve pain, especially cramping, shooting, darting or spasmodic pain. It relieves muscular twitching, cramps, hiccups, convulsive fits of coughing and those sudden, sharp twinges of pain that are so distressing.
Assists with:
Nerve pains such as neuralgia, neuritis, sciatica & headaches
All cramps & spasms
Spasmodic palpitations
Cramping & headaches
Nervous tension
Muscle cramps
Nat Mur (Fluid Balance ) Sodium Chloride
Nat Mur is the tissue salt responsible for the distribution of water in the body. Symptoms become evident where there is too much water or too little water i.e. where there is dryness. Stomach juices and cell division are made possible because of this salt. Nat Mur can be used with advantage in cases when a salt free diet is recommended.
Assists with:
Hayfever, clear watery nasal discharge often with loss of smell
Watery eyes or nose
Cold sores around nose & mouth
Dry lips which crack
Constipation, dry stools
Dry whitish scaly, cracked skin
Dry eyes
Craving of salty foods
Nat Phos ( Acid Neutraliser) Sodium Phosphate
Nat Phos is the acid neutralising tissue salt and is present in the blood, muscles, nerve and brain cells. It is used in conditions of excess acidity which are characteristically sour smelling. This salt regulates the balance of fats and acids in the body at all times. This tissue salt is known as the alkalizer and can alleviate arthritic/ rheumatic tendencies.
Assists with:
Acid taste & sour breath
Acid indigestion
Vomiting of sour fluids
Diarrhoea with sour smelling stools
Joint stiffness, use along with Mag Phos
Nat Sulph (Water eliminator) Sodium Sulphate
Nat Sulph is called the water eliminating tissue salt. It is thus the main remedy for water retention. It is also strongly associated with the liver and gall bladder. This tissue salt is essential for the proper digestion of sugars and starches and for the effective withdrawal of water from the cells. This tissue salt largely controls the healthy functioning of the liver; it ensures an adequate supply of free-flowing healthy bile, so necessary for the later stages of digestion. Nat Sulph ensures the disposal of toxic charged fluids and its importance in the treatment of rheumatic ailments is self-evident.
Assists with:
Vomiting of bile
Bitter taste in the mouth
Flatulence & constipation
Persistent cough or chronic bronchitis
Silica ( Cleanser & Conditioner)
Silica is present in the blood, skin, hair and nails. It is also a constituent of connective tissue, bones, nerve sheath and mucous membranes. Its action is deep and long lasting. Silica acts more upon the organic substances of the body, involving particularly the bones, joints, glands and skin.
Silica is a cleansing, elimination tissue salt. It is a constituent of connective tissue and is present in hair, nails and skin. It removes putrid material from the body.
Pimples, styes and boils
Bad odour, offensive perspiration
Smelly feet
Strengthening weak constitutions
Spots on the nails, brittle nails
Improved condition of hair, skin & nails
Ingrown toe nails
Combo 12 General Tonic
A general tonic to be taken during times of hard work, nervous strain or mental fatigue.
Assists with:
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