Passion Flower Organic loose blend 50 grams

11.95 $

Medicinal Uses: * Addiction * Alcoholism * Anxiety * Candida/yeast * Herbal Teas * Hypertension * Nerve/Back Pain * Sleep/Insomnia * Stop Smoking
Properties: * Analgesic * Antidepressant * Purgative * Sedative
Parts Used: Dried leaves and stems.
Constituents: apigenin and luteolin glycosides, vitexin, isovitexin and their c-glycosides, kaempferol, quercetin, and rutin; indole alkaloids (0.010.09%), mainly harman, harmaline, harmine; coumarin derivatives; cyanogenic glucosides (gynocardin); fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic); gum; maltol; phytosterols (stigmasterol); sugars (sucrose); and a trace of volatile oil

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